Posts Tagged With: soup eggplant

Daily detox soup – roasted garlic and aubergine (eggplant) soup

The thing I find about diet regimes and loosing weight (not just me but friends and family) is that are short-termism. One generally binge-diets, goes back to their usual ways and then goes back on another fad diet. My Daily Detox is no exception. I know I can’t sustain it but I’m trying to change my lifestyle and habits just a little bit. In the long run I do hope to change some habits – for example cutting down on my sugar intake, drinking more water but also having a large lunch and a smaller dinner (it has always been the opposite). It makes sense: I can burn off the larger lunch but a large dinner sits on my middle during a relatively inactive sleep.

So my trial on losing a bit of weight and being healthier is not about cutting out things completely. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Years ago I cut out chocolate, cake and biscuit completely for one month, and on the first day “off” I gobbled a whole box of Fingers in one go. What was the point in that?! By cutting out the things you like is no fun – you only live once – so I am having a few treats. I summarise that in the last three weeks I have probably eaten about 20-25% of what I usually eat sugar-wise. That is to be celebrated – more cake please!! Pizza, croissant, cake: as long as I am conscious, sensible and responsible it’s ok to have these things in moderation. Dieting is not about abstinence, it is about making better choices.

Today’s soup is quite ambitious by my standards. I was looking for a different vegetable to use when I was browsing the supermarket shelf and saw an aubergine. Intrigued, I did a quick search for soups with aubergine in and came across this recipe. It seemed pretty simple, just an age to make. Perfect for a lazy Saturday!

Once the garlic and aubergine had been roasted, the recipe said to peel them both. The skin came off like a dream! Really easy!

Roasted garlic and aubergine (eggplant)

Roasted garlic and aubergine (eggplant)

Then it was the usual onions and stock, with some tomato purée and, 40 minutes later a great smelling soup. We don’t have half-and-half in the UK so some whole milk did the trick to add a bit if cream. And it was delicious! The garlic was so subtle it was perfect. Definitely trying this one again!

Roasted garlic and eggplant soup

Roasted garlic and aubergine soup

If you have a soup I can try, tweet me @jelly_wobbler.

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